Is nearshore staff augmentation the solution for the tech talent shortage

A global talent shortage is impacting businesses across many sectors and the tech start-up space is increasingly looking for smart staffing solutions without compromising on skilled professionals so they can keep hitting milestones. The challenge of retaining and attracting talent is heightened in tech startups because the requirement for resources goes up and down depending on which stage the project is at.

The good news is nearshore staff augmentation, delivers the versatility and flexibility start-ups need to meet tight project milestones and still stay within budget. 

What tech CEOs and founders want

The CEOs or founders of any company want to grow and capture market share across multiple sectors. When it comes to tech start-ups, however, pressure is greatly increased. This is because CEOs and founders are answerable to stakeholders, and have to meet deliverables that evidence the effectiveness of their strategy and evidence success. They therefore want to be able to know that they can pull in strategic skilled staff such as a full stack developer at the exact right stage of the project. Hiring anyone on a permanent basis creates a HR nightmare plus onboarding delays and costs that tech startups simply can’t afford. The bottom line is permanent staff are just not necessary other than in key strategic positions. Founders need versatility and flexibility to use resources in a smart, focussed way that maximizes value and minimizes costs. 

Tech startups need to be agile

The key needs for start-ups as well as any business organization navigating the current economic climate is agility. Unpredictable and ever changing market conditions mean that founders of tech start-ups must have the capability to scale up and reduce staffing levels. This has a dual benefit for them as it meets needs as their projects evolve and enables them to be resilient and weather market forces.

Staff augmentation is not new 

In the past, the US market has tended to utilize European talent with offshore solutions, which often delivered the skills needed but time zone differences, and language barriers added delays and unplanned costs. 

Nearshore augmentation presents an opportunity for US based tech demands for talent. Utilizing skilled professionals in South America enables tech startups to hire focused, effective professionals that can deliver results and meet deadlines. It’s the perfect solution that enables founders to integrate seamlessly with highly skilled professionals quickly. 

No drawn out recruitment process saving time and money. 

Nearshore enables tech start-ups to seamlessly integrate temporary staff solutions into their existing team and quickly immerse themselves into the workplace culture.

  • Keeps costs down

  • Increase speed of resource deployment

  • Seamless integration with your existing team

  • Enables corporate agility

  • Provides flexible staffing solutions

  • Increases ease of cultural fit

Simply put, nearshore staff augmentation facilitates quick decision making. In a matter of days, tech start ups can expand their team and contract it back down once that project demand has been met. 

CEOs and Founders can access untapped talent pools from emerging nearshore talent markets and utilize innovative key players to drive their business forward.

Nick Thornton