Is nearshore staff augmentation the solution for the tech talent shortage

A global talent shortage is impacting businesses across many sectors and the tech start-up space is increasingly looking for smart staffing solutions without compromising on skilled professionals so they can keep hitting milestones. The challenge of retaining and attracting talent is heightened in tech startups because the requirement for resources goes up and down depending on which stage the project is at.

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Nick Thornton
Why has the tech bubble burst

With over a decade in the tech space, emNge has seen a lot of change and there were early warning signs in the tech space of over valuation and overstretching. How did we get to this point, what are the causes for the deflation of the tech bubble and are there any hopeful signs for recovery?

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Nick Thornton
Remote work & future trends in tech recruiting

Whilst there is seemingly negative news on the job front in the tech sector, how this breaks down across varying job roles needs to be examined alongside a comparison of tech startups vs big players; the recruitment trends are not the same across the board. Can we utilize smart recruitment solutions such as nearshore augmentation to navigate this market? Are remote working options an answer to fulfilling talent requirements in the current working landscape? Let’s look at the future trends in tech recruiting.

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Backend vs front end developer vs full stack

The title of this blog may sound like a group of tech talent squaring up to go at each other in the ring, it's really not. What we want to understand is the individual skill set of these tech developers and the different parts they play in website and app development. Developers are highly skilled individuals who develop and write code for web applications but with a different focus. How do we know which one to recruit?

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How to attract tech talent to my startup

The talent shortage is not just being felt in the US, it's a problem across the globe. So if talent is leaving secure established businesses, why would they leave that relative safety to go and work for tech startups? It’s too simplistic to think that money is the only motivator after all, a paycheck has just once a month whereas working conditions are the reality day in and day out.

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How nearshore staff augmentation can meet tech talent needs

With staff shortages and a rise in the cost of materials and shipping in addition to the war in Ukraine, sourcing IT talent that allows you to continue trading profitably is critical. Every industry across the globe has been affected and it seems tech staffing is the first to suffer in terms of redundancies. Businesses are reacting to these rising costs and supply chain issues; surviving in this climate needs an agile mindset and innovative thinking. 

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NearshoreNick Thornton
Why tech startups need a full-stack developer

There are lots of challenges when starting up any business including the technology needed to support it. When your start-up is a tech-focused business, you are in a sector which is continually changing and updating, so you need to keep your head count low but your skillset high. This means having people on board such as a full-stack developer who boasts a multitude of skills and a ton of resilience and innovation.

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