Why tech startups need a full-stack developer

There are lots of challenges when starting up any business including the technology needed to support it. When your start-up is a tech-focused business, you are in a sector which is continually changing and updating, so you need to keep your head count low but your skillset high. This means having people on board such as a full-stack developer who boasts a multitude of skills and a ton of resilience and innovation.

The pluses of tech start-ups? You might just be in one of the fastest evolving sectors providing solutions for companies that need tech capable of handling the ever-growing currency of data and information necessary to facilitate business.

So, what is a full-stack developer?

Essentially a full-stack developer is a developer or engineer that is skilled in building both the front end and the back end of a website. You can use separate front-end developers to facilitate the user side of a website and back-end developers to create the data storage and processing that sits behind it, but why do that when you can recruit a full-stack developer to do both? It’s not just websites, full stack developers have the skill set needed to build apps for smartphones plus a whole range of SaaS applications.

Full-stack developers help tech start-ups

Small enterprises and start-ups are generally low on budget and need individuals that can support them in multiple areas of the business and niche tech recruiting that facilitate this. As well as the skill set for tech recruit, start-ups need knowledge of the local market which is where emNge come in. With a full understanding of Austin-based business, emNge specialize in providing full-stack developers because they know their ability to handle the front and back end rather than having multiple developers which keeps business costs low. An experienced full-stack web developer also has an understanding of the entire development process of your business. If tech start-ups employ a full-stack developer then as the business grows, they have the knowledge required for sustainable growth through additional developers and programmers. Inevitably tech start-ups will be engaged in planning, testing, upgrades, and updates so it is critical that you utilize an individual with the skill sets of a full-stack developer. It is therefore easy to see why full-stack developers have been in the fastest-growing job profiles in the US consistently in the last few years.

ESG and tech opportunity

In recent years, businesses in the USA and across the globe have focussed on their ESG strategy to encourage investment and growth. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance and provides a strategic framework that informs organizational analysis and addresses corporate carbon footprint, efforts towards sustainability and the level of investment in workplace culture. In 2019 the US Business Roundtable released a statement that affirmed the business community’s commitment to a broad range of stakeholders which included customers, shareholders, employees and the community impacted and affected by the business. With strong ESG strategies rapidly determining business success and viability for investment, large organizations are prioritizing ESG and looking for tech that can capture and measure data as well as generate solutions that improve their offering across these areas.

This increased focus on facilitating and supporting large corporate ESG strategies provides massive opportunities for tech start-ups with strong teams that include full-stack developers.


If you are a start-up and need a Texas-based tech recruiter with access to the best full-stack developers, let’s start talking!