Posts in attracting talent
Remote work & future trends in tech recruiting

Whilst there is seemingly negative news on the job front in the tech sector, how this breaks down across varying job roles needs to be examined alongside a comparison of tech startups vs big players; the recruitment trends are not the same across the board. Can we utilize smart recruitment solutions such as nearshore augmentation to navigate this market? Are remote working options an answer to fulfilling talent requirements in the current working landscape? Let’s look at the future trends in tech recruiting.

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How to attract tech talent to my startup

The talent shortage is not just being felt in the US, it's a problem across the globe. So if talent is leaving secure established businesses, why would they leave that relative safety to go and work for tech startups? It’s too simplistic to think that money is the only motivator after all, a paycheck has just once a month whereas working conditions are the reality day in and day out.

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